Happening Now & Soon
Laurent Pernot & Patrick Kim-Gustafson: down to earth
23 January – 22 March 2025 Galerie Marguo, Paris -
Welcoming Claudia Keep to Galerie Marguo
20 Mar 2025Galerie Marguo is thrilled to announce its representation of American artist Claudia Keep, in close collaboration with March Gallery, New York. Renowned for her intimate, small-scale compositions, Claudia Keep masterfully...
Museum & External Exhibitions
Painting as Event: Materiality and Light in the practice of Xie Fan
29 – 31 March 2025 Bangkok Kunsthalle, Bangkok, Thailand -
Breaking Out: Shinya Azuma’s Guide to Surviving the Absurd City
身体突围:東慎也的荒诞都市生存指南 Opening 19 March at Bao Room, Shanghai -
a'driane nieves: let's dance our way back home
25 October 2024 – 23 March 2025 Consortium Museum, Dijon, France
Artwork Spotlight
Welcoming Claudia Keep to Galerie Marguo
20 Mar 2025Galerie Marguo is thrilled to announce its representation of American artist Claudia Keep, in close collaboration with March Gallery, New York. Renowned for her intimate, small-scale compositions, Claudia Keep masterfully... -
Welcoming Shinya Azuma to Galerie Marguo
25 Feb 2025Galerie Marguo is pleased to announce its representation of Japanese artist Shinya Azuma, in collaboration with COHJU art gallery in Kyoto. Born in 1994 and based in Kyoto, Azuma is... -
Welcoming Dianna Settles to Galerie Marguo
16 Dec 2024We are thrilled to announce our representation of Vietnamese-American artist Dianna Settles in collaboration with March Gallery. Settles’ work explores the complexities of collective life, autonomy, and the interplay between... -
Artnet Talentspotter: Dianna Settles
16 Oct 2024Who: Dianna Settles (b. 1989, Los Alamitos, Calif.) Based in : Atlanta Gallery: March Gallery (New York) and Galerie Marguo (Paris) Why we care: Dianna Settles is a Vietnamese American artist... -
Artsy: 10 Must-See Shows during Art Basel Paris 2024
11 Oct 2024Another edition of Art Basel Paris (formerly Paris + par Art Basel) is coming around again. With two editions under its belt, this year’s fair is taking its place at... -
Dianna Settles: Menorca Sketchbook
Marguo BooksMarguo Books is pleased to announce the publication of Dianna Settles Menorca Sketchbook, a facsimile of the artist's personal notebook from her month-long residency at Casa Marguo in Menorca this... -
Artsy: 10 Contemporary Women Artists Channeling Helen Frankenthaler’s Abstract Expressionism
23 Aug 2024a’driane nieves B. 1982, San Antonio. Lives and works in Philadelphia. A self-taught artist, a’driane nieves first turned to painting while recovering from postpartum depression in 2011. Recognizing the therapeutic... -
Le Progrès: « Le grand rocher » de Laurent Pernot ouvre le circuit “La croisée des chemins” dans le Val des Chènevières
14 Jul 2024Mercredi 2 juillet, Le Progrès a échangé avec Laurent Pernot, l’artiste qui a conçu l’œuvre qui va ouvrir le circuit La croisée des chemins, l’une des trois boucles artistiques imaginées... -
Beaux Arts Magazine: Les Murmures du temps: un nouveau parcours d’art à la campagne, près de Lyon
1 Jul 2024Connaissez-vous le Pays de l’Arbresle ? Petit coin de campagne du département du Rhône, cette communauté de communes a connu un grand chamboulement durant les années 2010 lorsque son territoire... -
Eeckman highlights: Artiste. Laurent Pernot, images du monde flottant
13 Jun 2024De la poésie faite pierre. Dans ses sculptures monumentales comme dans ses installations mixtes, Laurent Pernot a développé un univers contemplatif, faisant fi des hiérarchies de genres ou de formes.... -
Artsy: 5 Standout Shows to See at Small Galleries in June 2024
In this monthly roundup, we shine the spotlight on five stellar exhibitions taking place at small and rising galleries worldwide. 4 Jun 2024An MFA graduate of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Hungarian artist Kinga Bartis is currently presenting her debut Paris exhibition, “In a one,” at Galerie Marguo. The show... -
Artsy: Meet the Women Artists Taking an Unapologetic Approach to Sexuality
17 May 2024Female sexuality has a complicated artistic history. Women’s bodies have often been presented independently from their own wants and desires, filtered through the male gaze, objectified, and pornified within wider... -
The Plant: Claudia Keep Cover Issue 21 Spring/Summer 2024
17 May 2024Welcoming a new issue fresh out of the press! Cover 3/4 features a beautiful yellow moth by artist Claudia Keep. From ‘Light offers a steadying point amidst the rush of... -
Dazed: These 3 artists take an irreverent look at sexual possession
I Licked It, It’s Mine is the playful new group show exploring fantasy, desire and intimacy, running at New York’s Museum of Sex 3 May 2024Sexuality continues to remain a perpetually fascinating aspect of human nature. We never tire of holding our desires up to the light to examine them. Neither art, literature or song... -
Oxford American: The Entwining of Matter
Dianna Settles infuses her paintings with flora, earth, water, and breath 19 Mar 2024Born in California, moving often, and briefly living in a car with her mother when she was a child, artist Dianna Settles spent the majority of her childhood in Blue... -
The Art Newspaper: Quotidien réinventé, récits de révoltes et verve polémique
1 Mar 2024“WRONGED' 'Wronged', conçue par le curateur Olivier Renaud-Clément, se présente comme un double hommage à deux grands artistes afro-américains, Yvonne Wells et Winfred Rembert, acteurs des luttes pour les droits... -
Art Viewer: Kinga Bartis at Tranen
15 Aug 2022In Kinga Bartis’s work, just about everything is in motion. Things we usually distinguish from each other flow together. The outline of a human body is blurred in the current... -
Hyperallergic: Damien H. Ding’s Dreams of a Modernist Past
In his paintings, Ding establishes an imaginary dialogue with architect I. M. Pei that reveals something about both the artist and his subject. 15 Mar 2024BOSTON — I did not know of Damien H. Ding’s art until I saw his debut exhibition, Simple Structures, at Steven Zevitas Gallery. The show consists of five egg tempera... -
9 Mar 2024A’Driane Nieves’ debut exhibition at VSF, self-evident truths. Combining paintings on canvas and paper with new explorations in neon and audio installation, this ambitious exhibition is also Nieves’ first on... -
Cultured: Here's What Inspired Self-Taught Artist A’Driane Nieves In the Creation of Her First Solo Show
27 Feb 2024“self-evident truths,' opening this week, explores the artist's neurodivergence as she disentangles herself from the county's founding narratives In 2011, A’Driane Nieves was shopping for arts-and-crafts supplies in a Walmart,... -
Meer: A'driane Nieves. Self-evident truths
27 Feb — 6 Apr 2024 at Various Small Fires in Dallas, United States 27 Feb 2024We are pleased to announce A’Driane Nieves’ debut exhibition at VSF, self-evident truths. Combining paintings on canvas and paper with new explorations in neon and audio installation, this ambitious exhibition... -
BroadwayWorld: 'WRONGED' Exhibition Comes to Galerie Marguo, Paris
The exhibit is on view Thursday, February 22nd – Saturday, March 30th, 2024. 15 Feb 2024Galerie Marguo will present WRONGED, a group exhibition organized with Olivier Renaud Clément, on view from 22 February to 30 March, 2024. Gathering the works of Isabelle Armand, Winfred Rembert,... -
Frieze: Joseph Lee’s Top 5 Picks from Frieze Los Angeles Viewing Room 2024
22 Feb 2024The BEEF actor selects Yu-Xin Su’s poetic clock stuck between time zones, a dreamy bedroom scene by Hugh Steers and a portrait by George Condo, among others “This is my... -
Oxford American: Southern Art Issues
21 Feb 2024The Oxford American's 2024 Spring Issue will center on the theme of Southern Art. Inspired by the artisans, folk artists, and world-famous creators from our region, this edition explores painting,... -
The Wrap: Artists By Artists
Fawn Rogers 22 Feb 2024We invited some of the art world’s most talented to create portraits of some of Hollywood’s most fabulous. Delving deep beyond the oft-photographed visages, these artists bring to their subjects... -
The Cut: Women Artists to Watch at Frieze Los Angeles
21 Feb 2024The fifth edition of the Frieze Art Fair in Los Angeles (on view from February 29 to March 3) will welcome the presence of 95 galleries from 21 countries, with... -
Art Paris 2024: Art & Craft Focus featuring Patrick Kim-Gustafson
Galerie Marguo 16 Feb 2024Né d’une mère coréenne et d’un père suédois, Patrick Kim-Gustafson a d’abord travaillé dans le design industriel auprès de Philippe Starck à Paris. En 2020, à Louchat, petit village du... -
The Paris Review: Young, Slender, Blond, Blue-Eyed
22 Jan 2024I climbed the stairs two at a time. I no longer know what I was thinking about in that stairwell, I imagine I was counting the steps so as not... -
Whitewall: In Aubade, Claudia Keep Captures What it Feels to Exist
9 Jan 2024Claudia Keep is looking around. She’s constantly observing her surroundings and creating remarkably poignant remembrances of the familiar and oftentimes neglected elements that encompass her daily life. Moths, rural highways,... -
The New York Times: What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries in January
‘The sea swept the sandcastles away. (To wake up in Atlanta!)’ 4 Jan 2024Artists exist everywhere, including in places that critics like me rarely cover. It’s a gift, then, when someone brings a glimpse of another art scene to town. That’s the case... -
Voix du Jura: Saint-Claude. "Paysages gelés": quelle est cette nouvelle exposition au musée de l'Abbaye ?
23 Dec 2023Samedi 23 décembre 2023, le musée de l’abbaye de Saint-Claude propose une nouvelle exposition temporaire intitulée « Paysages gelés » sur le fascinant paysage hivernal de la montagne servi par... -
The Anarchist Review of Books: Stop Cop City
Atlanta is burning 30 Dec 2023On January 18th, SWAT forces attempting to clear the Weelaunee Forest of protestors and tree sitters resisting the construction of an 85-acre police training facility known as “Cop City”, shot... -
Artillery: Gallery Rounds: Claudia Keep
20 Dec 2023As with many works of contemporary art, Claudia Keep’s compact paintings first entered my field of vision on social media, where her imagery retains its appeal, even as her textured,... -
W Magazine: Painting Outside the Lines
Contemporary female artists are approaching abstraction with an eye toward the inner world 13 Dec 2023The age of the Irascibles was all about the mind—minds so powerful they could create paintings that referenced nothing but themselves. That kind of solipsism is not particularly interesting now.... -
Harper's Magazine: Trapdoor Where the past overtakes you
1 Dec 2023Toward the end of my life in New York, a decade and change I would dispense with as casually as I’d begun it, came a season of psychic misery that... -
Galerie Marguo Welcomes Dennis Miranda Zamorano
16 Nov 2023We are honored to announce representation of Mexico City-based artist Dennis Miranda Zamorano . Our debut exhibition with the artist will open in Paris this November featuring Zamorano's newest body... -
ARTnews: 王子平:日常之物的甜蜜瞬向
Sweet moments of quotidian 14 Dec 2023在这个时代中,我们不断受到弹出窗口、横幅、通知和不断刷新的信息流的轰炸。数字时代的商业信息伴随着铺天盖地汹涌而来的广告图像,塑造了一代人前所未有的视觉记忆,比如出生于1995年的艺术家王子平,她的绘画创作融合了当代目力所及的各种元素,从食物的卡通渲染、中国和日本传统装饰图案到古代大师的静物画、几何图案形式,以及各种不同透明度的不规则形状.....·夸张、醒目的颜色和极具冲击力的视觉体验,将充满烟火气的日常幻化成一系列甜蜜的瞬间,在与LV Artycapucine艺术手袋的合作中,它们被艺术家呈现于精致的手袋之上,并被赋予了全新的诗意。 1995年出生于中国沈阳,王子平于罗德岛设计学院获取BFA纯艺术学士学位,后于纽约普瑞特艺术学院获取MFA纯艺术硕士学位。借以广告和插画的视觉语言,王子平的绘画和素描作品,灵感大多来自于数字时代的注意力经济所带来的压倒性冲击。极具视觉诱惑力的商品包装,通常是王子平高饱和度和颜色丰富的绘画的创作起点,从卡通化的食物、中国和日本的传统装饰性元素、古典大师名画,到几何图案以及不同透明度的抽象色块,风格的融合涉猎广泛,一应俱全。 当得知有机会设计这款LV经典手袋的时候,作为刚毕业时间不长的年轻艺术家,王子平觉得自己非常幸运,一定要交出自己最满意的设计。开始设计这个手袋的时候王子平正在上海做艺术驻留项目,当时上海城市正值重启与恢复往日活力中,在附近打印店、材料店几乎都关门的情况下,王子平用纸板拼出了第一个设计稿,并且在截至提交日期前一周,把“纸板包”的照片、手绘设计稿还有几页灵感来源一起打包成PDF发回给LV。直到对方答复:“我们已经没有任何需要添加的东西了。 (...) _ In this era, we are constantly bombarded by pop-ups, banners, notifications, and a relentless stream of refreshing information. The commercial information of the digital... -
WILD WEEDS ON EXHIBITION AT THE PUBLIC UNTIL DECEMBER 15TH 22 Nov 2023Take a moment to think about how you experience time. How time thrums when you’re in the car; how it modulates within and around a phone screen; how it rests,... -
Artsy: Amanda Baldwin’s Bold, Surreal Landscapes Transform the Way We See Nature
21 Nov 2023A considerable shift occurred in Amanda Baldwin’s practice three years ago. Having risen to prominence working in still-life painting, the New York–based artist turned her attention to landscapes in 2020.... -
Ocula: 5 Must-See Gallery Exhibitions in Paris this Autumn
Fawn Rogers: Come Ruin or Rapture 11 Oct 2023Expect: a dive into childhood memories and their influence on an eco-feminist's practice across video, painting, and sculpture. American artist Fawn Rogers' debut exhibition in Europe narrates a rapturous coming-of-age... -
Numéro Art 8: 温暖的时间胶囊
7 Nov 2023身处数字时代的大环境中,公众的注意力也成为一种经济流量,我们不断受到弹窗、横幅广告和无休 止推送刷新的大肆轰炸,艺术家王子平以其独具特色的绘画语言所反映的,正是这种互联网浏览信息 的日常体验。从绘画、素描,到大型雕塑的尝试,再到以路易威登 ArtyCapucines 手袋为画布的跨 界创作,王子平以更私密的感情,在颜色与文字、现实与幻想搭建起桥梁 ;以记忆碎片,构筑“时间 胶囊” 王子平 1995 年出生于沈阳,她的父亲是画家,成为艺术家也是她近 乎天然的选择。高中毕业后,她前往美国留学,先后毕业于罗德岛设计学 院插画专业和纽约普瑞特学院。期间,王子平在各式各样的艺术媒介和 技法、文化环境、生活地点,以及工作类型的穿梭与变换中,一步步沉 淀出了自己的创作风格。 王子平从广告和插图中汲取灵感,PS 图层上的“橡皮擦”痕迹、商 品包装、古典静物画、东方仕女图、像素化的复古游戏图形和无定形的 几何色块等碎片化的视觉素材,在经过她的精细勾勒后,堆叠、拼贴、 交织成一幅幅色彩鲜艳、视觉冲击力极强的画面。但在这种弥漫着甜美、 愉悦的抽象化叙事中,又包裹着尖刺,暗藏忧郁与不安的小细节。王子 平将自己视为立场中立的时代记录者,在她那些“faux-naïf”的作品面前, 人们的童心和警觉感也被同时唤醒。由此,王子平理解这个世界,并在其 中自洽的方式,亦成为了当下的我们解读自身身份与时代现状的钥匙。 从美国结束学业后,王子平回到故乡沈阳,并于不久前搬进了为自己 置办的新工作室。那是一间有着落地窗的三十平米 Loft,玉带河从窗前流 过,这个小小的空间是王子平的归属,是她感到“不会被 judge”的安全地带。 作为新锐艺术家,王子平职业生涯的起步称得上顺风顺水,在过去... -
L'hebdo du QDA: Paris + Art Basel #3
L’exposition « Dianna Settles: A Thousand Paths Bloom » à la galerie Marguo à Paris 20 Oct 2023L’attrait de Paris pour les nouvelles générations Vanessa Guo, anciennement chez Hauser & Wirth, a décidé d’ouvrir la galerie Marguo en 2020 et d’y présenter des artistes émergents du monde... -
Journal Du Luxe: Que retenir de l'exposition Louis Vuitton à Paris+ par Art Basel ?
24 Oct 2023Le week-end du 20 au 22 octobre, la maison française a présenté une exposition à l'occasion de la foire artistique annuelle de la capitale. Des œuvres originales se sont mêlées... -
FAD: Claudia Keep Talks To Phillip Edward Spradley
31 Aug 2023Claudia Keep is a painter who takes in the everyday world, and through her observations, she translates these moments into fantastical imagery reminiscent of postcards, snapshots, and childhood exploration. The... -
Journal Du Luxe: La Maison culturelle star de Paris+ (Art Basel) avec Diptyque et Vuitton
23 Oct 2023Malgré la menace terroriste et le chaos international, Paris+ par Art Basel, la foire d'art moderne et contemporain, qui rassemblait 154 galeries de 33 pays, a été un grand succès.... -
Life and People: Arte e moda a braccetto nella Artycapucines: L’iconica borsa di Louis Vuitton
21 Oct 2023Le più belle storie d’amore nascono da un colpo di fulmine. Correva l’anno 2001 ed una liaison amorosa – destinata a quel ‘per sempre’ che oggi pare essere riservato solo... -
Prestige: Louis Vuitton marks Chapter Five of the ArtyCapucines Collection
20 Oct 2023Louis Vuitton invited five leading contemporary artists for this year’s reimagination of the charismatic Capucines bag, exclusively available in limited editions of 200. Out of the five collaborators, Chinese artist... -
L'Officiel: Louis Vuitton Holds an Exhibition at Paris+ Par Art Basel
19 Oct 2023For the 2023 edition of Paris+ par Art Basel, Louis Vuitton, a global associate partner of the event, continues its commitment to art, by presenting a selection of artistic collaborations... -
AD: Louis Vuitton svela il quinto capitolo della collezione ArtyCapucines: le borse d’artista
La maison francese svela i protagonisti e le opere della quinta edizione di Artycapucines, il progetto che fa dialogare moda e arte. 18 Oct 2023Louis Vuitton torna con la collezione ArtyCapucines: 5 artisti per 5 borse uniche al mondo La formula è la stessa, ma ogni volta è una sorpresa, un’emozione che non ti... -
Globe Styles: Louis Vuitton borse Artycapucines 2023: la nuova collezione celebra cinque artisti contemporanei
13 Oct 2023Louis Vuitton borse Artycapucines 2023 – La nuova collezione celebra cinque artisti protagonisti della scena contemporanea: Billie Zangewa, Ewa Juszkiewicz, Liza Tou, Tursic & Mille e Ziping Wang. Come da... -
Fashion Times: Louis Vuitton svela la collezione Artycapucines celebrando 5 artisti
13 Oct 2023Il lusso incontra l’arte in una straordinaria celebrazione della creatività contemporanea con la Collezione Artycapucines 2023 di Louis Vuitton. Questo quinto capitolo continua a onorare l’eredità di Louis Vuitton, portando... -
Prestige: Louis Vuitton unveils the fifth edition of Artycapucines
12 Oct 2023For the fifth year in a row, the Artycapucines has returned to steal a spot in the wearable art realm with its stunning designs, created by five leading contemporary artists... -
12 Oct 2023At the heart of Louis Vuitton’s 169-year legacy, is the essence of always returning to one’s roots. The eponymous founder opened his first-ever boutique in 1854 on Rue Neuve-des-Capucines in... -
InStyle:Sneak Peek: So sehen die neuen Kunstwerke in Handtaschenformat von Louis Vuitton aus
12 Oct 2023Ab wann ist Mode Kunst? Bei der Frage scheiden sich die Geister. Bei den Artycapucines von Louis Vuitton treffen sie sich aber in der Mitte. Seit 2019 schickt das Luxuslabel... -
MEGA: Match These Artycapucines With Your Style Personality
Find out which Louis Vuitton Artycapucines bag fits your style the most with their line that features five new designs 12 Oct 2023Since 2019, Louis Vuitton has been active in creating pieces that champion art in every genre. It is their way of giving recognition to artists from across the globe as... -
Vanity Fair: Louis Vuitton’s Fifth Iteration of Artycapucines Has Arrived
With inspiration stemming from childhood bliss to the role of women, five artists put a modern spin on a classic accessory. 12 Oct 2023Can fashion be art? Louis Vuitton is back for the fifth time to make the case, offering its Capucines bag as a canvas for contemporary artists Billie Zangewa, Ewa Juszkiewicz,... -
WWD: Louis Vuitton’s New Handbags Are Like Miniature Art to Go
Five artists took part in this year's edition of the Artycapucines project, to be revealed at the Paris+ by Art Basel fair. 12 Oct 2023PARIS — At the inaugural edition of Paris+ by Art Basel last year, collectors were clamoring to buy the Artycapucines handbags on display at the Louis Vuitton stand. It’s no... -
Le Mile Magazine: Some mad, mad Harmony
From Fukushima soil to the comfort of grass, Fawn Rogers situates the sustained violence against the environment and each other within the tragicomic cycles of desire and death. 12 Oct 2023I’m re-reading Água Viva early in the morning before starting my day speaking with artist Fawn Rogers. It’s a slender book by Ukrainian- born, Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, whose prose... -
Artazine: The impossibility of focus in Ziping Wang’s art
Chinese artist Ziping Wang captures the sensory overload of the digital age in her kaleidoscopic paintings. 27 Sep 2023At first glance, Ziping Wang’s paintings confound and overwhelm. Her new exhibition, “Traces of Love and Timeless Adventure,” offers a mishmash of unrelated visuals with no identifiable focal point: nostalgic... -
Hyperallergic: 10 Art Shows to See in LA This September
4 Sep 2023Fawn Rogers: GODOG Fawn Rogers’s upcoming exhibition will feature two paintings of Venetian scallop-backed grotto chairs and two figurative sculptures made from clay, steel mesh, and nails. For the show’s... -
4 Sep 2023MUST SEE Fawn Rogers GODOG - curated by Michael Slenske September 15 - October 15, 2023 Reception: Friday, September 15th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm At this interactive exhibition, visitors... -
30 Aug 2023Fawn Rogers, the contemporary artist working in Los Angeles, is an interviewer’s delight. As even a set of largely tepid questions, sent via email, become tools enough for Rogers to... -
ARTouch: Fawn Rogers亞洲首展,香港K11 MUSEA「燃燒/閃耀/發光」
27 Jul 2023佛恩・羅傑斯首次在亞洲舉辦個展「燃燒/閃耀/發光」(Burn, Gleam, Shine),展覽上半段將於7月26日至8月19日於香港K11 MUSEA展出,下半段將會在2023年10月巴塞爾藝+巴黎(Paris + par Art Basel)期間在瑪戈畫廊的巴黎空間舉辦。展覽中,藝術家展現了珍珠最真實、最原生的另一面。並選擇在這幾年經歷了許多紛爭、擠壓的香港展出,這種交流、釋放,讓這個首展張力十足。 香港,有著東方之珠之稱。珍珠,是自然界中的防禦機制,最具美感,最能打動人心的形成。當有沙粒或寄生生物等外來微粒進入牡蠣、蛤蚌和貽貝的軟體後,便會形成珍珠。佛恩・羅傑斯(Fawn Rogers)首次在亞洲舉辦個展「燃燒/閃耀/發光」(Burn, Gleam, Shine),展覽上半段將於7月26日至8月19日於香港K11 MUSEA展出,下半段將會在2023年10月巴塞爾藝+巴黎(Paris+ par Art Basel)期間在瑪戈畫廊(marguo)的巴黎空間舉辦。展覽中,藝術家展現了珍珠最真實、最原生的另一面。並選擇在這幾年經歷了許多紛爭、擠壓的香港展出,這種交流、釋放,讓這個首展張力十足。 “In “ 佛恩・羅傑斯,一位著眼於「生態女性主義」發揮的洛杉磯當代藝術家,利用牡蠣來隱喻人類與自然的關係。「燃燒/閃耀/發光」呈現的作品中展現了牡蠣的象徵意義及其充滿對立的意涵:它既是貞潔、繁殖和神聖知識的象徵,同時也是肉慾的享受、墮落和貪婪的象徵。 尤其近期,電影《芭比》大談女性主義,再次檢視「生態女性主義」,在羅傑斯的創作中如此鮮明地顯現出來。堅硬的外表被劈開,露出軟體動物肉體的精緻褶皺,誘人地邀請觀者沉迷於原始世界、死亡和性。以繪畫、攝影、視頻、雕塑和裝置等媒介,藝術家以充滿了玩味和幽默的系列作品,探索人類中心主義時代中情慾和滅絕的交匯點。 藝術家說:「當我畫一隻巨大的蛤蜊漂浮在色彩鮮豔的單色背景上,並伸出豐滿的舌頭時,這對我來說非常有趣。它看起來既性感又噁心,我必須有意無意地殺死它才能生存。我們應該有良知,你會認為我們會用它來創造一個更美好的世界,但我們沒有。相反,我們卻說,去火星吧。這真是諷刺。」 如果說人類有一個單一的象徵的話,那就是人類的手印圖像。在各大洲、各個年齡段都可以看到它。珍珠也很迷人,從原住民珍珠的歷史到珍珠的形成方式(從刺激物到寶石)的一切。她收集這些對她有意義的符號,將它們作為立足點,以形式上和感性上與我們當下現實的超對象進行交流。 看著同樣用力的用藝術反應社會現實的瑪戈畫廊合夥人郭慊慊,由她介紹羅傑斯給亞洲觀眾,一切都是這麼恰到好處。用這種形式來呈現對社會的關懷。佛恩・羅傑斯說,「對我來說,我的工作是解放性的。它讓我意識到人類與世界生態系統之間出現的力量。我對人類未來的進化感興趣,希望人類能夠有同理心,減少鎮壓和破壞。」在近期社會現狀,更顯得令人省思。 燃燒/閃耀/發光 地點|香港K11 MUSEA 展期|2023.07.26-08.19 https://www.artouch.com -
Beijing Times: Fawn Rogers’ ‘Burn, Gleam, Shine’: An Artistic Reflection on Ecological Destruction
22 Jul 2023Contemporary American artist Fawn Rogers paints a stark picture when talking about the current state of the planet. “We are living in a massive crime scene, and all of us... -
South China Morning Post: 'Oozing with unbridled sexuality': US artist Fawn Rogers' Hong Kong show
21 Jul 2023Fawn Rogers’ first solo show in Asia, at Hong Kong’s K11 Musea, features deliberately fleshy and seductive life forms. She says the oyster is a complicated creature and the perfect... -
2 Jun 2023MILLEN BROWN-EWENS: Could you start by telling me a little bit about the paintings in your upcoming solo exhibition Burn, Gleam, Shine in Beijing with Galerie Marguo in July. FAWN... -
Time Out: Big Little Art Summer at K11 Musea
24 Jul 2023Time Out says Have yourself a Big Little Art Summer at K11 Musea! From now to August 20, families and kids can take part in a series of art and... -
DSCENE: DAY BEFORE TOMORROW: Exclusive Interview With Artist Damien H. Ding
20 Jul 2023Artist Damien H. Ding talks about the fragility of human connection and the enigmatic journey of intimacy. Damien H. Ding‘s work encapsulates the fragility of human connection and the inevitable... -
Télérama: Sculptures en l’île
11 Jul 2023Aller à Andrésy (78) et découvrir « Sculptures en l’île », c’est un peu partir en voyage. L’exposition commence dès la gare Saint-Lazare, avec une pièce monumentale et colorée d’Adélaïde... -
Shondaland: A’Driane Nieves Embraces the Abstract
29 Jun 2023The artist and activist talks to Shondaland about her journey from the U.S. Air Force to her skyward trajectory as an expressionist painter. When you take in a painting by... -
DSCENE: DAY BEFORE TOMORROW Exhibition at Eugster II Belgrade
3 Jul 2023DSCENE Magazine embarks on a unique artistic collaboration as it joins forces with the esteemed Eugster II Belgrade gallery for a group exhibition entitled “DAY BEFORE TOMORROW.” Curated by the... -
Artsy: 10 Contemporary Artists Painting Dreamlike, Fantastical Landscapes
29 Jun 2023Representing a three-dimensional landscape on a two-dimensional surface like canvas is always a give-and-take between the real and imaginary. But landscape painters who step into fantastical terrain have all the... -
CDA: Au château du Rivau, l’art contemporain s’épanouit entre ciel et terre de légendes
28 Jun 2023Ronsard et Rabelais ont loué la douceur de vivre de cette terre d’art et d’histoire qui a conquis de nombreux plasticiens d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Partis s’installer dans le Val de... -
Woman: Kinga Bartis: "It is a huge privilege to make art for 135,000 people."
28 Jun 2023Kinga Bartis is the artist behind the dreamy work, which adorns Gloria's facade for this year's Roskilde Festival. The work is called 'Growing Soft Hearts in Mica and Sweat', and... -
La Gazette Drouot: Les enchantements du château du Rivau
23 May 2023Le château du Rivau pourrait avoir inspiré des auteurs de contes de fées : par son architecture Renaissance, flanquée de tours élancées, mais aussi par l’ambiance qui se dégage des... -
LUX Magazine: Entente Cordiale
5 May 2023LUX Magazine's spring/summer issue featuring the group exhibition A New Sensation . Read the article below. ENTENTE CORDIALE A new exhibition spotlights some of the most exciting young artists based... -
QDA: Mélancolie de la consolation
11 May 2023Il est primordial pour un artiste de disposer d’un texte critique de qualité sur son travail. C’est le souhait d’encourager ce format d’écriture qui est à l’origine des bourses Ekphrasis,... -
CULTURED: This Week In Culture: May 15 - May 21, 2023
15 May 2023Frieze makes landfall in the Big Apple this week along with a lineup of not-to-be-missed exhibitions and events. Here are our top Art Week recommendations. Welcome to This Week in... -
Libération: «Paysage, fenêtre sur la nature», le Louvre-Lens nature peinture
9 May 2023Très riche, l’exposition raconte l’évolution du rapport des artistes au paysage en mettant en avant des œuvres surprenantes, méconnues ou oubliées. Votre âme est un paysage choisi, écrit Verlaine. Mais... -
27 Apr 2023‘À jamais murmuré, caché, déguisé… le plaisir, quelle que soit sa nature, a toujours été un sujet au coin de nos lèvres. À travers ses peintures, Oh de Laval, comme... -
Le Journal des Arts: Au Louvre-Lens, des paysages bourgeonnants
13 Apr 2023L’exposition aborde ce genre dit « mineur » de la peinture par l’angle de la création, dans une élégante scénographie d’artiste signée Laurent Pernot. Lens (Pas-de-Calais). Dans un vaste espace... -
Dazed: The ‘sexy and gross’ exhibition critiquing our pillage of the natural world
13 Apr 2023‘Our planet is a giant crime scene and we are all implicated’: Fawn Rogers’ seductive paintings of oysters and pearls use eroticism and ecocriticism to highlight our exploitation of our... -
Hypebae: Oh de Laval's 'Take Your Pleasure Seriously' exhibition explores lust, rebellion and desire
11 Apr 2023Taking over the Paris-based contemporary art gallery, Galerie Marguo. Thai-Polish artist Oh de Laval takes over the Paris-based contemporary art gallery Galerie Marguo to showcase her new and most recent... -
Purple Magazine: Oh de Laval's “Take Your Pleasure Seriously”
5 Apr 2023An Interview of the young half Thai and half Polish artist Oh de Laval for Purple by Valeria Della Valle, at the occasion of her new exhibition Take Your Pleasure... -
Konbini: Le ciel, les oiseaux et la faune : le paysage et la nature célébrés dans tous leurs états
13 Apr 2023Le Louvre-Lens organise une exposition thématique qui vous mettra au vert. Ici une rivière peinte par Géricault, là une estampe du maître japonais Hokusai, plus loin un film des frères... -
Young Artists Boost Modest Sales at Hong Kong’s 2023 Spring Auctions
7 Apr 2023Artists such as Lucy Bull and Oh de Laval helped lift sales totals at Sotheby's and Phillips despite one in ten works failing to sell. There were no white glove... -
Paysage. Fenêtre sur la nature
Exposition temporaire du 29 mars au 24 juillet 2023 Depuis la Renaissance jusqu’à nos jours, par la peinture, les artistes rejouent à leur manière les mythes de la Création, en... -
Artforum: Kinga Bartis
3 Mar 2023It is hard to fully perceive Kinga Bartis’s large-scale mixed media drawing WhileAway, 2023. Both the exact material and the subject seem willfully elusive. Perhaps paradoxically, this is what absorbs... -
LVH In Conversation With A'Driane Nieves
A'Driane Nieves is a former member of the U.S. Air Force and the creator of an art magazine and an art nonprofit organization. Nieves began painting on her own around... -
Découvrez 'Je me souviens', une œuvre de Laurent Pernot au Domaine national de Saint-Cloud. Dans le cadre du programme artistique Mondes nouveaux, le Centre des monuments nationaux présente l’œuvre Je... -
Près de Saumur. Du nouveau en 2023 au château du Rivau
8 Mar 2023Près de Chinon (Indre-et-Loire), le château du Rivau rendra hommage à la terre en cette saison 2023 qui s’annonce. Situé à 10 km de Chinon (Indre-et-Loire), à Léméré exactement, le... -
The Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia Vol. 2 'Delta Delta'
Marguo Books 24 Feb 2023Volume 1, 2 and 3 of artist book seriesThe Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia by Thomas Block Humery are now published and available for order. Delta Delta is Volume 2 and... -
The Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia Vol. 3 'Mineral Motel'
Marguo Books 24 Feb 2023Volume 1, 2 and 3 of artist book seriesThe Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia by Thomas Block Humery are now published and available for order. Mineral Motel is Volume 3 and... -
10 Dec 2022Anthony Vaccarello has invited French contemporary artist Laurent Pernot to exhibit his artworks in the Saint Laurent Rive Droite stores in Paris and Los Angeles. Over the past two decades,... -
Whitehot Magazine: Dianna Settles: A Life Worth Living Would Be A Life Worth Living
1 Dec 2022Atlanta-based painter, printmaker, and organizer Dianna Settles had just finished harvesting chestnuts and weeding the beds of indigo when we connected over Zoom to discuss her latest solo show, A... -
A'Driane Nieves: Notes From The Laughing Barrel
Marguo Books 21 Oct 2023This is the Second edition of the booklet, limited to another 100 copies. -
Laurent Pernot : Le Temps De La Grâce
1 Dec 2022Depuis près de vingt ans, un plasticien français trace un chemin singulier, où la poésie le dispute à un puissant imaginaire. Artpassions s’est invité dans son atelier. Peu d’œuvres convoquent... -
Saint Laurent Rive Droite Showcases Artist Laurent Pernot’s Pastel-Hued Artworks
6 Jan 2023Some of the highlights that are shown at the dual-city presentation are Pernot’s latest series called “The Contemplations”. In the latest instalment at Saint Laurent’s Rive Droite stores in Paris... -
Art contemporain : la biennale des résidences d’artistes 2022 prolonge les échos du monde
21 Nov 2022D’Iván Argote ou Evangelia Kranioti à Xie Lei, ils sont plus d’une cinquantaine d’artistes invités à participer à « ¡Viva Villa ! », la Biennale des résidences d’artistes qui se... -
Asia Now, Solo shows: Yang Semine, Mark Nicdao, Kara Chin, Natsuko Uchino, Hur Kyung-Ae, (Monnaie de Paris)
Que ceux qui réduisent la Monnaie de Paris à un austère monument, se rendent à l’Asia Now les 21, 22 et 23 octobre qui transforme tous les bâtiments et les... -
Here Are the Best Booths at Asia Now Paris, a Fair Filled with Some of the Most Cutting-Edge Art Being Produced Today
21 Oct 2022Currently based in Dijon, France, Korean artist Yang Semine presents a recent body of work that evinces an interest in entomology, with a special focus one dragonflies. These highly saturated... -
Rennie Museum Announces Acquisition of A'Driane Nieves' Artwork
Galerie Marguo is pleased to announce that the painting An atypical black hole in a typical universe has been acquired by the Rennie Museum , Vancouver, Canada. Bob Rennie, founder... -
Studio Visits: Oh de Laval
11 Nov 2021From spicy and visually pleasure-heavy to occasionally viciously violent paintings, Oh de Laval captures intimate human desires within a canvas while injecting an air of comedy and playfulness. The half... -
Feeling fragile? Lyon Biennale returns after a three-year break and forges ties to the city and its past
4 Nov 2022Works by more than 200 artists are on show across French city, in sites that range from Renaissance courtyards to a former household appliance factory. The Lyon Biennale has returned... -
Le Figaro | La Biennale de Lyon Met la Capitale des Gaules à l'Heure Contemporaine
16 Sep 2022Par leur 'manifeste de la fragilité', les deux commissaires, Libanais et Allemand, amènent le visiteur à regarder autrement la ville et le chaos de notre monde. Les deux commissaires de... -
Kunstkritikk: Below Us, the Sea
Kinga Bartis’s works speak into the dominant feminisms and surrealisms of our time, but successfully evades all the words. 22 Jun 2022Everything flows in Kinga Bartis’s works. Bodies flow out into waves. Foamy peaks on waves slide up into the skies and become clouds. Clouds stretch their wings like seabirds hovering... -
Kunsten: Kinga Bartis: Shores of Selves
20 Jun 2022I Kinga Bartis’ værk er nærmest alt i bevægelse. De ting, som vi sædvanligvis skelner fra hinanden, flyder her sammen. En menneskekrops omrids sløres i havets strøm. Havet glider over... -
#MarguoSummer and Looking Ahead to the Fall
Gallery Closed for Summer Holiday until 15 August 2022Galerie Marguo is temporarily closed for the summer holiday till 15 August. Come back to the gallery starting on 16 August to catch the last two weeks of Godwin Champs... -
Marguo Artists Included in The Drawing Centre Show at Le Consortium, Dijon
2 Jul 2022Galerie Marguo is delighted to announce that three artists from its program, A’Driane Nieves , Ziping Wang , Semine Yang , are included in The Drawing Centre Show exhibition at... -
Godwin Champs Namuyimba: Inner Circle
Paris Exhibition full filmGalerie Marguo is pleased to present Inner Circles , Ugandan artist Godwin Champs Namuyimba ’s first solo exhibition with the gallery and in France, on view from 30 June -... -
The New York Times Style Magazine | Paris, Europe’s Former Art Capital, Is Back on Top
5 May 2022Largely thanks to a wave of new galleries with internationally minded programs, the city has recaptured some of the energy and excitement of a bygone era. IN CHINESE, THE word... -
Semine Yang: The Next Wave
Online Exhibition Film Part IISemine Yang' s entomological studies begin as digital drawings before they are translated back into the material and organic world, becoming a surface for the artist’s associative and intuitive experimentations... -
Semine Yang: The Next Wave
Online Exhibition Film Part IGalerie Marguo is thrilled to introduce a Dijon, France-based Korean artist Semine Yang with the launch of her online exhibition ‘The Next Wave’ at marguo.com and Artsy on Monday 4... -
Soimadou Ibrahim: A time separating the beloved from those they love
Paris Exhibition Full film 29 Mar 2022Galerie Marguo is very pleased to present A time separating the beloved from those they love , a solo exhibition of new and recent paintings by London-based artist Soimadou Ibrahim... -
Ziping Wang: Obsession, Indifference and Onion Skin
Paris Exhibition Full filmGalerie Marguo is pleased to present Obsession, Indifference and Onion Skin , Ziping Wang’s debut solo exhibition with the gallery, on view from 15 January to 19 February 2022. Comprising... -
MARGUO BOOKS 24 Feb 2023Volume 1, 2 and 3 of artist book seriesThe Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia by Thomas Block Humery are now published and available for order. The Sleeper is Volume 1 and... -
Rebecca Ness: Stepping Out
Paris Exhibition Full FilmGalerie Marguo is pleased to present Stepping Out , a suite of new works by American artist Rebecca Ness. On view from 18 October - 27 November, this marks the... -
Laurent Pernot: Antinoüs, Antinoüs
Paris Exhibition Full FilmGalerie Marguo is delighted to present Antinoüs, Antinoüs , a new public installation by Laurent Pernot commissioned for the courtyard of the Jardin Arnaud Beltrame. Working across sculpture, video, and... -
Steingrímur Gauti: Soft Approach
Paris Exhibition Full Film 25 Aug 2021Galerie Marguo is pleased to present Soft Approach , a selection of new paintings by Icelandic artist Steingrímur Gauti. On view from 4 September to 9 October 2021, this is... -
#MarguoSummer is coming!
Gallery Closed for Summer Holiday until 16 August 2021Galerie Marguo is temporarily closed for summer holiday until 16 August. Meanwhile we are launching a speical program on Instagram #MarguoSummer, taking you on a virtual holiday with select works... -
Zhang Yunyao at Musée Fenaille in Collaboration with Musée du Louvre (Part II)
Museum ExhibitionZhang Yunyao Participates in His First European Museum Exhibition at Musée Fenaille in collaboration with Musée du Louvre From 12 June to 17 October 2021, Musée Fenaille in Rodez, France... -
Manuel Stehli: Moving Inland
Paris Exhibition Full Film 23 Jun 2021Galerie Marguo is pleased to present Moving Inland , a body of new paintings by Swiss-Czech artist Manuel Stehli, on view at the gallery from 23 June to 24 July,... -
Ziping Wang 3x3
Online Presentation Video 4 May 2021 -
Han Bing: Company
Paris Exhibition Full Film 3 May 2021Galerie Marguo is pleased to present Company, a series of new paintings by Los Angeles and Shanghai-based artist HAN Bing. This show marks the artist’s first exhibition in Europe. Step... -
Zhang Yunyao at Musée Fenaille
Opening in June 17 April 2021ZHANG Yunyao participates in his first European institutional exhibition this June in France From 12 June to 17 October 2021, Musée Fenaille in Rodez, France will present an exceptional exhibition... -
Steingrímur Gauti Joins Galerie Marguo
25 MAR 2021 -
Amanda Baldwin: Indigo Skyline
Marguo Books 1 May 2021Galerie Marguo is pleased to announce that Marguo Books' first release is now available. Published by Marguo Books on the occasion of Amanda Baldwin ’s first solo exhibition in Europe... -
Amanda Baldwin: In the Studio
Paris Exhibition Full Film 6 Mar 2021Galerie Marguo is pleased to present Indigo Skyline , a new body of work by New York based artist Amanda Baldwin . Baldwin’s first solo exhibition in Europe continues her... -
Feng Li shoots for Vogue
29 Jan 2021'After the success of September’s ‘Hope’ issue, the world of VOGUE unites once again under the shared theme of ‘Creativity’. The Creativity Issues combine models photographed by 3D scanning cameras... -
Yan Pei-Ming x Zhang Yunyao Exhibition Walkthrough
Exhibition Walkthrough 28 Jan 2021Two generations of Shanghai-born artists were in conversation about art and life in France at Galerie Marguo. Our inaugural exhibition Zhang Yunyao closes this Saturday 30 January. Last chance to... -
Feng Li: Garden
Online Viewing Room 12 Nov 2020Coinciding with Photo Paris 2020, Galerie Marguo is delighted to present its first online viewing room FENG LI: GARDEN featuring 13 iconic works by street photographer Feng Li . United... -
Zhang Yunyao: Exhibition Walkthrough
Exhibition Walkthrough 19 Oct 2020 -
Conrad Shawcross: Paradigm – B (Structural)
21 Oct 2020Galerie Marguo is delighted to announce an outdoor presentation of Paradigm – B (Structural) , 2019 by British artist, Conrad Shawcross , to mark the grand opening of the gallery... -
Zhang Yunyao: In the Studio
Paris Exhibition Full Film 9 Oct 2020Galerie Marguo has just launched in the Marais in Paris with an inaugural exhibition ZHANG Yunyao devoted to Chinese artist Zhang Yunyao . The exhibition is on view through December... -
The Art Newspaper | Zhang Yunyao "Drawing Room"
13 Oct 2020'Chinese artist Zhang Yunyao will present a special project Drawing Room at this year’s Asia Now. Curated by Hervé Mikaeloff, this project is a key chapter of the artist’s first... -
LIBÉRATION | L'art sous le signe de la résistance à Paris
24 Oct 2020'Autour d’une imposante cheminée en bois, l’accrochage de l’artiste chinois Zhang Yunyao diffuse une ambiance symboliste pop imaginée par Hervé Mikaeloff.' -
Zhang Yunyao
Paris Exhibition Teaser 28 Sep 2020 -
LA GAZETTE DROUOT | Vanessa Guo moves to Paris to open the Marguo gallery
8 Oct 2020'Braving the health crisis, on 19 October Vanessa Guo and her partner Jean-Mathieu Martini will open a new gallery, Marguo, on rue des Minimes. A promising Chinese artist, Zhang Yunyao,... -
ARTnews | Bucking Covid-19 Risk, Former Hauser & Wirth Director Launches Paris Gallery
24 Sep 2020'Signs of a second wave of coronavirus are evident in various parts of Europe, and the possibility of another round of museum and gallery closures is becoming more likely. Online...