Kinga Bartis: In a one

Paris Exhibition Teaser
Galerie Marguo is delighted to announce the Paris debut of Hungarian artist Kinga Bartis with the solo show In a one, on view from 17 May to 29 June 2024. Featuring new works created over the past five months between Paris and Copenhagen, the exhibition builds on Bartis' lyrical explorations of the human form in all its fluidities, the self in all its multitudes.
Kinga Bartis' paintings swish, tremble, pulse, yawn. Rooted in sensation, they start from an impulse in the artist’s body that travels through the arm, hand and brush, in large sweeping movements across towering canvases that resonate with, or hyperbolize, the body's scale. Rendered in fluid, aqueous brushstrokes and sapphire and crimson palettes, this suite of twelve compositions, which range wildly from 3 meters to 30 cm in width, reward sustained looking. Entire landscapes unfold within the crook of a limb, fingers and feet morph into roots, and birds seemingly bloom from the conflagrations of cirrus clouded skies. They consider the self in all its fluidities, and trouble – through collapsed foreground and backgrounds, landscapes and figures – the binary distinctions between human and nature, male and female, the individual and the multiple.