*Discoveries Ana Karkar

Gallery Weekend Berlin, GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN

At Gallery Weekend *Discoveries, KÖNIG Galerie will also focus on aspiring artists. In the former church of St. Agnes in Kreuzberg, the MISA DISCOVERIES will show young artists who have hardly been seen in Germany so far, but who have already attracted international attention with their paintings. 


Gallery Weekend Berlin: What was the inspiration for your current body of work?

Ana Karkar: This body of work was a prelude in the way I would like to create a series of paintings as a phrase to tell a bigger story: German photographer Karin Szekessy (b. 1938) – you will find her in there. Dario Argento is also an influence for use of contrast with color and subject matter and his use of outlines on some of his characters.


GWB: Are there any particular visual / literal references you like to point out?
AK: In Stanley Kubrick “Eyes Wide Shut”, there is a scene where two women are sitting overlapped in the masked ball. The painting “Gemini” reprises in a much lighter tone. “Freak on a Leash” is named after the 1998 Korn song. The woman featured in the painting takes the posture of a more classical odalisque. It made sense for me to overlap and remix Jonathan Davis’s lyrics and emotional charge with the composure of this subject.  



"*DiscoveriesAna Karkar" 



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