ARTnews: 王子平:日常之物的甜蜜瞬向

Sweet moments of quotidian
A.Q., ARTnews Magazine, 14 Dec 2023

在这个时代中,我们不断受到弹出窗口、横幅、通知和不断刷新的信息流的轰炸。数字时代的商业信息伴随着铺天盖地汹涌而来的广告图像,塑造了一代人前所未有的视觉记忆,比如出生于1995年的艺术家王子平,她的绘画创作融合了当代目力所及的各种元素,从食物的卡通渲染、中国和日本传统装饰图案到古代大师的静物画、几何图案形式,以及各种不同透明度的不规则形状.....·夸张、醒目的颜色和极具冲击力的视觉体验,将充满烟火气的日常幻化成一系列甜蜜的瞬间,在与LV Artycapucine艺术手袋的合作中,它们被艺术家呈现于精致的手袋之上,并被赋予了全新的诗意。







In this era, we are constantly bombarded by pop-ups, banners, notifications, and a relentless stream of refreshing information. The commercial information of the digital age, accompanied by a flood of advertising images, has shaped unprecedented visual memories for a generation. For example, artist Wang Ziping, born in 1995, integrates various elements within the reach of contemporary vision in her painting creations, ranging from cartoon renderings of food, traditional Chinese and Japanese decorative patterns, to still life paintings of ancient masters, geometric patterns, and irregular shapes with various degrees of transparency. Exaggerated, vibrant colors and highly impactful visual experiences transform the everyday into a series of sweet moments.


Born in Shenyang, China, in 1995, Wang Ziping obtained a BFA in Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design and later an MFA in Fine Arts from the Pratt Institute in New York. Using the visual language of advertising and illustration, Wang Ziping's paintings and sketches draw inspiration mainly from the overwhelming impact of the attention economy in the digital age. The highly visually enticing product packaging is often the starting point for Wang Ziping's high-saturation and color-rich paintings, which encompass a wide range of styles, from cartoonish food and traditional decorative elements of China and Japan to classical masterpieces and geometric patterns with varying degrees of transparency.


Upon learning of the opportunity to design this classic LV handbag, as a young artist who had recently graduated, Wang Ziping felt extremely fortunate and was determined to deliver her most satisfactory design. When she began designing the handbag, Wang Ziping was participating in an art residency project in Shanghai. At that time, the city was in the process of restarting and regaining its former vitality. With nearby print shops and material stores almost all closed, Wang Ziping pieced together the first design draft using cardboard. A week before the submission deadline, she sent photos of the "cardboard bag," hand-drawn design drafts, and several pages of inspiration sources packaged as a PDF to LV. The response received was, "We don't need to add anything; we are satisfied with what you've provided."

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