The 58th Carnegie International Overwhelms, as it Intends

Neil Price , Ocula, 2022年10月19日

How do you present an international exhibition that brings together artworks that collectively respond to over 77 years of U.S. hegemonic history? And more to the point, without overwhelming viewers?


 While there is no singular path to resolve such questions, the 58th Carnegie International (24 September 2022–2 April 2023) in Pittsburgh sets out to follow 'the geopolitical imprint of the United States since 1945 to situate the "international" within a local context'. 

 Under this broad framework, viewers are asked to find their way through a show that is heavy on new and existing works from both established and emerging artists, but light on overt curatorial guidance.


Engraved in marble, Pio Abad's 'Thoughtful Gifts' (2019–ongoing) comprises official correspondences between the Philippines' Marcos family and high-level U.S. government leaders, detailing ways to assist the Marcos' to evade prosecution. The hard-to-decipher texts draw viewers into the near-invisible machinations of power.

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