Numéro Art 8: 温暖的时间胶囊

马君怡。, Numéro Art 8, 2023年11月7日

身处数字时代的大环境中,公众的注意力也成为一种经济流量,我们不断受到弹窗、横幅广告和无休 止推送刷新的大肆轰炸,艺术家王子平以其独具特色的绘画语言所反映的,正是这种互联网浏览信息 的日常体验。从绘画、素描,到大型雕塑的尝试,再到以路易威登 ArtyCapucines 手袋为画布的跨 界创作,王子平以更私密的感情,在颜色与文字、现实与幻想搭建起桥梁 ;以记忆碎片,构筑“时间 胶囊”


王子平 1995 年出生于沈阳,她的父亲是画家,成为艺术家也是她近 乎天然的选择。高中毕业后,她前往美国留学,先后毕业于罗德岛设计学 院插画专业和纽约普瑞特学院。期间,王子平在各式各样的艺术媒介和 技法、文化环境、生活地点,以及工作类型的穿梭与变换中,一步步沉 淀出了自己的创作风格。 王子平从广告和插图中汲取灵感,PS 图层上的“橡皮擦”痕迹、商 品包装、古典静物画、东方仕女图、像素化的复古游戏图形和无定形的 几何色块等碎片化的视觉素材,在经过她的精细勾勒后,堆叠、拼贴、 交织成一幅幅色彩鲜艳、视觉冲击力极强的画面。但在这种弥漫着甜美、 愉悦的抽象化叙事中,又包裹着尖刺,暗藏忧郁与不安的小细节。王子 平将自己视为立场中立的时代记录者,在她那些“faux-naïf”的作品面前, 人们的童心和警觉感也被同时唤醒。由此,王子平理解这个世界,并在其 中自洽的方式,亦成为了当下的我们解读自身身份与时代现状的钥匙。 从美国结束学业后,王子平回到故乡沈阳,并于不久前搬进了为自己 置办的新工作室。那是一间有着落地窗的三十平米 Loft,玉带河从窗前流 过,这个小小的空间是王子平的归属,是她感到“不会被 judge”的安全地带。 作为新锐艺术家,王子平职业生涯的起步称得上顺风顺水,在过去 三年间,她始终忙碌。她在欧洲的三家画廊接连为她举办个展,携带她 的作品参加群展、艺博会 ;去年年末,王子平前往上海参与斯沃琪和平 饭店艺术中心的驻留计划 ;今年 9 月底,她在大中华区的首场个展「爱 痕与无尽冒险」在香港 K11 MUSEA 艺术空间呈现。近日,在路易威登推 出的 2023 ArtyCapucines 系列中,王子平又以迷你手袋“甜牙”(Sweet Tooth)的设计,成为了参与该项目的首位中国女性艺术家。 生活中的王子平怡然自得 ;创作中的她则带着“一种神秘而不可阻挡 的使命感”,自律、自省、自信。和王子平本人一样,她的艺术让人快乐, 也让人清醒——这是一种难能可贵的特质。





In the digital age, where public attention has become a form of economic traffic and in which we are constantly bombarded by pop-ups, banner ads and endless push refreshes, it is this daily experience of browsing information on the Internet that artist Ziping Wang reflects in the language of his distinctive paintings. From paintings and drawings, to attempts at large-scale sculptures, to cross-border creations using Louis Vuitton ArtyCapucines handbags as canvases, Ziping Wang builds bridges between color and text, reality and fantasy with more intimate feelings; and constructs a "time capsule" with fragments of memories.


Born in Shenyang in 1995 with a father who is a painter, becoming an artist was almost a natural choice for her. After graduating from high school, she went to the United States to study, graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in illustration and from Pratt Institute in New York. During this time, Ziping Wang's creative style has evolved through a variety of mediums and techniques, cultural environments, places of living, and types of work. Drawing inspiration from advertisements and illustrations, Ziping Wang's visual materials, such as eraser marks on PS layers, commercial packaging, classical still life paintings, oriental ladies' drawings, pixelated retro game graphics, and amorphous geometric color blocks, are stacked, collaged, and interwoven with her fine sketches to form a picture of vibrant colors and strong visual impact. The visual impact is extremely strong. However, in this abstract narrative, which is filled with sweetness and pleasure, there are also spikes wrapped around it, concealing small details of melancholy and uneasiness. Ziping Wang sees herself as a neutral recorder of the times, and in front of her "faux-naïf" works, people's childishness and sense of alertness are awakened at the same time. In this regard, Ziping Wang’s way of understanding and relating to the world has become the key for us to interpret our own identity and the current situation of our time. After finishing his studies in the United States, Ziping Wang returned to her hometown of Shenyang, where he recently moved into a new studio that he had purchased for himself. A 30-square-meter loft with floor-to-ceiling windows and the Yudai River flowing past, this small space is where Ziping Wang belongs, a safe place where she feels she "won't be judged. As an emerging artist, Ziping Wang has had a smooth start to her career, and over the past three years, she has kept busy. Her three galleries in Europe have organized solo exhibitions for her, and she has participated in group exhibitions and art fairs with her works; at the end of last year, she travelled to Shanghai to participate in a residency program at the Swatch Art Center at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel; and at the end of September this year, she had her first solo exhibition in the Greater China region, ‘Traces of Love and Endless Adventure’ at the K11 MUSEA Art Space in Hong Kong. Recently, she became the first Chinese female artist to participate in Louis Vuitton's 2023 ArtyCapucines collection with the design of her miniature handbag ‘Sweet Tooth’. While in life she is at ease, in her work she carries "a mysterious and unstoppable sense of mission", self-disciplined, self-reflective and confident. Like Ziping Wang herself, her art is joyful and sobering - a rare quality.

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