Culture Type: Latest News in Black Art: Photographer Roland Freeman Died, Nigeria Named New Culture Minister, A’Driane N

Victoria L. Valentine, Culture Type , 2023年8月25日

Latest News in Black Art features updates and developments in the world of art and related culture




Philadelphia-based artist A’Driane Nieves joined Various Small Fires (VSF). The Los Angeles gallery is representing Nieves in collaboration with Galerie Marguo in Paris, France. VSF will feature her work at Frieze London in October. Seeking a way to understand and navigate postpartum depression and a subsequent diagnosis of bipolar disorder, Nieves began to paint in 2011. According to the artist, “Each piece is a part of the body, psyche, and soul turned inside out; the intimate recesses, fault lines, eroded sediment, gravity wells, multitudes, & universes we contain as we navigate a society that judges us by what can be seen with the eye.” A U.S. Air Force Veteran, Nieves founded Tessera Arts Collective and Abstractions Magazine.

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