Marguo Artists Included in The Drawing Centre Show at Le Consortium, Dijon

Galerie Marguo is delighted to announce that three artists from its program, A’Driane NievesZiping WangSemine Yang, are included in The Drawing Centre Show exhibition at Le Consortium, Dijon, curated by its directors Franck Gautherot and Seungduk Kim as well as artists Tobias Pils & Joe Bradley.


On view from 1 July 2022 to 22 January 2023, The Drawing Centre Show breaks the conventions of a museum exhibition and creates its own rule: the aforementioned 4 curators each select 15 artists, all of whom are asked to submit 3 drawings in a digital file fit for high-resolution printing in A1 or A4 formats.  The printed drawings are then pinned directly on the wall in a single line in order of submission. No name, no signature, only images.


Learn more about this exhibition on the museum website.


Le Consortium, Dijon
Curated by Franck Gautherot, Seungduk Kim, Tobias Pils & Joe Bradley
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